How to Plan an Employee Recognition Event and Increase Retention
Do your employees know just how valuable they are to the organization? Do they feel valued for their contributions? We all know that our employees are the secret sauce, the reason for our organization’s success. If they don’t know we value them, they’ll go somewhere that does!
Events are a great way to recognize employees’ efforts and contributions. Ranging from all-company outings to incentive trips which reward individual achievement to award programs, strategically designed events communicate your organization’s values and promote progress towards your long-term goals.
There are several items to keep in mind when planning and managing recognition events. Defining your recognition philosophy, setting a budget and goals, and designing an effective format and agenda for the event are a few considerations. Spending some time creating a strategy to extend the benefits both prior to and after the event is also a smart move!
Recognition Philosophy
Employee recognition must tie-in with your company’s culture and values. For instance, a company that explicitly values teamwork might prefer to include the entire company, or division. However, a sales division might prefer to use a recognition event as an incentive to spur sales volume. Start by listing your company values, then asking the following questions:
· Which specific values are you looking to reward?
· Which specific accomplishments or activities are driven by this value?
· Is it appropriate to recognize the whole team or individuals?
· Are you looking to encourage stand out performance?
· Will you base attendance/invitations on specific metrics?
· Should it be viewed as an exclusive event to aim for – such as an elite premier performance reward? (This works best if it is an annual event with a clear set of metrics to strive towards.)
· Do any of our ideas act counter to any of our company values? If so, back to the drawing board!
Recognition events can range from small and special to large and extravagant. Depending on your budget and your company culture, the sky is the limit! Consider the value of the behaviors that you are rewarding in relationship to the cost of the rewards. Recognition and gratitude spurs motivation which will in turn help your bottom line and help you retain great employees. According to a survey by Achievers, 44% of respondents said they were considering a change of employment due to lack of recognition and engagement.
Don’t be tempted to shave costs on details – this is not a place to be penny-wise and pound-foolish. A terrific experience for your guests will set your organization up for the coming year (or awards period). A program filled with glitches or challenges can do just the opposite.
Format Options
Small DIY events are a great way to show appreciation to your staff throughout the year. Some examples are:
· Lunchtime Bar-b-que in the office parking lot
· Off-site dinner and entertainment
· Employee Appreciation Week (or Month!) with fun activities and small tokens of appreciation throughout. Some of your vendors may be willing to contribute items to help you celebrate.
Larger events often call for some outside assistance. Lead Dog Meeting & Event Management loves to help our clients put their employees at the head of the pack! Events in this category should be customized to your organization’s employee demographics, culture and values. Some thoughts to consider:
· Incentive trip to luxury destination – offer optional activities customized to your attendee’s interests
· All-company event highlighting a few stand-out award winners
· Award winners travel to corporate headquarters
· Award winners travel to an industry conference and also have events planned specifically for them.
Share the Love
No matter what format you select, we highly recommend that you invite attendees to bring a guest. Employees place greater perceived value on the reward when they can bring a guest. Appreciating their guest for supporting your employee’s work, especially during times of outstanding performance, will go a long way toward employee satisfaction. Plus, sharing the experience with their guest makes the experience even more memorable. Whenever possible, plan for double the fun!
Recognition awards can be tied to the fiscal year or a quarter. All-company events that are timed more spontaneously or randomly provide an unexpected pleasure for staff. Planning events to coincide with the culmination of a new initiative or project can be a great way to thank employees for their contributions.
Trip Details
“The knowledge, skill, and professionalism displayed by you and your staff are second to none. Our winners and attendees, including high-ranking executives, were impressed by the way Lead Dog kept things organized and flowing. I can trust you to take initiative in areas that require attention, and I am always pleased with the result.”
Designing a schedule that will make the most of your investment is top priority. A great trip will engage all 5 senses, allow for relaxation and rejuvenation, and provide a mix of unique activities that make your guests feel special and valued. Think about what you want them to tell their family and friends afterwards. What stories and experiences will they take away from the trip?
At Lead Dog, we believe that the quality of the service and interactions with event staff has a huge impact on the attendee experience. Our service excellence standard means that our team anticipates needs, works to remove obstacles and always treats your guests as we would our own.
Extend the Benefits
Each touch point with attendees can either enhance their experience, be neutral or worse yet – negative. Strive to have each be meaningful and positive. Communications that play on the theme of the event or the destination are a fun way to announce the event. A gift to award winners prior to travel builds excitement. After the event, sending guests a framed photo taken at the event with a small gift that relates to the destination reminds attendees of the wonderful time they had and will serve as a reminder throughout the year.
Remember, an appreciated employee is a happy employee. Happy employees stay in their jobs or with their organizations. Employee recognition leads to employee retention eliminating the high costs of hiring and training new people.
Let’s talk about crafting an experience that leaves your attendees feeling valued! To start the conversation, email or call us at 610 690-5184. We look forward to the opportunity to help you unleash the potential of your employees!